There are many different EMI Shielding products for most applications, if you are not sure which product is suitable for your particular application, please give us a call, we have over 30 years experience in the field of Electro Conductive Products.

EMI Shielding is a product, which creates a barrier to prevent the leakage of strong electromagnetic fields that can interfere with sensitive devices and signals, it can be considered as one of the most cost effective methods of ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC), as it decreases the use of intra-equipment devices to manage undesired and sometimes destructive signals.

Achieving EMC through shielding, depends on two factors, the structural or form design and the materials used.

Two main properties achieve EMI Shielding:

Electrical conductivity or

Magnetic permeability

ElectroMagnetic interference can be transferred by radiation and/or conduction

Conduction plays an important role with frequencies below 30 MHz, the lower the frequency, the thicker the shielding needs to be.

In short ElectroMagnetic Shielding is the process of lowering the electromagnetic field in an area by barricading (shielding) it with Conductive or Magnetic materials.

It is used to provide an EMI Seal, to provide an earth, to provide an electrical continuity between surfaces, and occasionally to provide an environmenal seal.

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